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01. Cohesive Society Logo - 21.03.2023


CPPP is betrokke by veelsydige aktiwiteite en het talle inisiatiewe onderneem. Dit is projekte wat genuanseerd is in die gemeenskappe wat ons aangespreek het. CPPP CIC is een van die baanbrekersgemeenskapsorganisasies om kwessies aan te spreek wat intervensie vereis met die nuutste of pasgemaakte beplanning en uitvoerings. Ons inisiatiewe het Onderwys, Sport, Speletjies, Oefening,  Gesonde Leefstyl,  Beroepsvoorligting, C3c1905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Beroepsvoorligting, C3c1905, C3c1905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Beroepsvoorligting, Taalgeskiedenis, C3c1de, 9c1c, 9c1c, 9c1c, 9c1c, 9c1c -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Anti Social Behaviour, Training, Volunteering, Cooking Lessons, Research, Rehabilitation, Helpline & Women   Empowerment. 


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Mental Health, Learning Difficulties, and Autism for Bangladeshi Diaspora in Northampton

Project Overview
The project focuses on addressing the mental health, learning difficulties, and autism needs of the Bangladeshi diaspora in Northampton, United Kingdom. It aims to create an online platform,, specifically tailored to cater to the unique challenges faced by this community. The platform will serve as a comprehensive resource hub, providing culturally sensitive information, support, and connections to relevant services.
a. Cultural Sensitivity: Develop content and resources that take into account the cultural nuances and specific challenges faced by the Bangladeshi diaspora in Northampton.
b. Increase Awareness: Raise awareness about mental health, learning difficulties, and autism within the Bangladeshi community through culturally appropriate educational materials and targeted awareness campaigns.
c. Support Services: Provide access to culturally sensitive mental health support services, therapy options, and resources to assist individuals, families, caregivers, and professionals within the community.
d. Community Engagement: Establish a supportive online community where Bangladeshi individuals, families, and caregivers can connect, share experiences, and seek advice from peers and experts.
e. Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaborate with local community organizations, mental health professionals, educational institutions, and cultural centers to leverage their expertise and ensure the provision of accurate and culturally relevant information.
Website Development
a. Culturally Adapted Design: Develop a user-friendly website design that incorporates culturally relevant visuals, language, and symbols to resonate with the Bangladeshi diaspora in Northampton.
b. Language Localization: Provide content in both English and Bengali languages to ensure accessibility for all community members.
c. Tailored Resources: Create and curate resources that address the specific mental health, learning difficulties, and autism concerns of the Bangladeshi diaspora, including articles, videos, podcasts, and interactive tools.
d. Community Features: Implement discussion forums, support groups, and messaging systems within the platform to facilitate community engagement and support.
Community Engagement and Outreach
a. Culturally Sensitive Events: Organize culturally sensitive online events such as webinars, workshops, and group discussions, featuring speakers from the Bangladeshi community and mental health professionals.
b. Partnerships with Community Organizations: Collaborate with local Bangladeshi community organizations, mosques, cultural centers, and schools to conduct awareness campaigns, workshops, and outreach programs.
c. Mental Health Champions: Recruit and train community members as mental health champions who can act as ambassadors, disseminate information, and provide support within the Bangladeshi diaspora in Northampton.
Capacity Building and Training
a. Mental Health Education: Provide training sessions and workshops to community members, including parents, caregivers, teachers, and community leaders, to enhance their understanding of mental health, learning difficulties, and autism.
b. Cultural Competency Training: Conduct cultural competency training for mental health professionals and service providers to ensure they can deliver culturally sensitive and appropriate support to the Bangladeshi community.
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Feedback
a. Metrics and Analytics: Implement tracking tools to measure website usage, engagement, and resource utilization among the Bangladeshi diaspora in Northampton.
b. User Feedback and Satisfaction: Collect feedback through surveys, focus groups, and user testing sessions to assess user satisfaction, identify gaps, and improve the platform and services.
Sustainability Plan
Develop a sustainability plan that includes strategies for long-term funding, community partnerships, and potential revenue streams, such as grants, donations, sponsorships, and collaborations with local service providers and organizations.
In summary, this project aims to address the mental health, learning difficulties, and autism needs.

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Ukrainian Integration Project:

Building a Cohesive Society through Job Skill Training and Support

Introduction: The Ukrainian Integration Project, initiated by, aims to empower members of the Ukrainian community by providing comprehensive job skill training and support. By equipping individuals with essential skills such as language proficiency, writing skills, CV writing, Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint training, and job interview preparation, the project seeks to enhance employment prospects, promote social integration, and foster a cohesive society.

Job Skill Training: The project focuses on delivering a diverse range of job skill training modules tailored to the specific needs of the Ukrainian community. Language training offers proficiency in the local language, enabling participants to communicate effectively in their new environment. Writing skills workshops enhance written communication abilities, while CV writing sessions guide individuals in crafting impactful resumes. Training in essential office tools such as Outlook, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint also equips participants with valuable computer skills crucial in the modern workplace.

Job Interview Skills and Training: The Ukrainian Integration Project recognises the importance of job interview preparation in securing employment. Through mock interviews, guidance on interview etiquette, and tips for answering common interview questions, participants gain the confidence and skills necessary to excel in job interviews. Interview training also includes guidance on effective self-presentation, body language, and building a solid personal brand.

Impact and Benefits: By providing comprehensive job skill training and support, the Ukrainian Integration Project aims to empower members of the Ukrainian community, enabling them to secure meaningful employment opportunities. As a result, individuals gain economic independence, enhance their social integration within the broader society, and contribute positively to the local economy. Moreover, the project's focus on language proficiency and communication skills fosters cross-cultural understanding and bridges the gap between communities, building a more cohesive and inclusive society.

Conclusion: The Ukrainian Integration Project by is a robust platform for Ukrainian community members to acquire essential job skills and support. Through targeted training in language proficiency, writing skills, CV writing, Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and job interview preparation, participants gain the necessary tools to succeed in the job market and integrate into their new society. Promoting empowerment, social integration, and fostering a cohesive culture, the project significantly builds a brighter future for Ukrainian individuals and their communities.


Food Vouchers in Association with   Hope Centre

Cohesive Society is always at the fore front of helping all the BAME  communities. Hope Centre & Cohesive Society are now collaborating to promote the vouchers amongst the members of these communities in Northampton


CPPP is een van die voorhoede instellings wat was

Skryf gereeld in die pers en media oor die diaspora's

Inherente geskiedenis, kultuur, etos, heritages  weekliks in beide Engels en Bengaalse tale.


COVID Safety, Support & Guidance Project


Cohesive Society has been working with the Community Champions Programme from October 2021 to March 2022. They have supported us at local events providing COVID safety, support and guidance. They have distributed COVID resources such as masks, lateral flow tests and sanitisers to Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities.

They have coordinated community conversations with local restaurants and Bangladeshi/Pakistani food shops; raising awareness of the barriers they face when it came to COVID, keeping safe during the lockdown periods and wider health care issues. They also supported with a letter campaign to 100s of  households in the Bangladeshi community promoting the vaccine in Bengali language and were able to have a more national reach by producing articles promoting the vaccine and COVID safety in 2 UK-wide Bangladeshi newspapers (Janomot and Bangla post).

Their reach and profile in the Bangladeshi Communities in Northamptonshire has aided us to give COVID support and guidance to these people who we otherwise would not have been able to access.

Pratima Dattani, CEO Support Northamptonshire


Sosio - Ekonomies -  Demografies - Kwalitatief 

- Etnografiese studies gebaseer  Navorsingsprojekte

Ons is betrokke by meervlakkige doelgemaakte navorsingsinisiatiewe in gediversifiseerde navorsing binne die VK se BAME-demografieë.


Optree as 'n gesprekspartner om entrepreneurs te motiveer om maatskaplike en gemeenskapsbelang tipes maatskappye op te rig om armoede te help verlig, marginalisering, vrouebemagtiging en KSV aan te spreek.


CPPP verskaf telefoniese hulp van aangesig tot aangesig vir lede van die gemeenskappe. Dit is deurlopende ondersteuning. Bespreek 'n afspraak, kontak ons via ons webwerf of telefoonoproep.

CPPP bedryf 'n projek vanaf 21 Nov om die opname van Booster Jab en Griep-inenting binne die BAME-gemeenskappe in die Northampton-omgewing te bevorder.

Die projek sal hoofsaaklik fokus op motivering, een-tot-een-sessies, deur-tot-deur pamflette en beloftebriewe om die steekinname binne hierdie gemeenskappe te verhoog.


Sentrum vir Beleidsbevordering en -voorkoming (CPPP) het tydens die eerste inentingsprogram 'n veldtog gevoer om die opname van entstowwe binne die diaspora-gemeenskappe aan te moedig. 


CPPP het uitgebreide pamflette onderneem, FaceBook-advertensies, artikels in etniese gedrukte en elektroniese media gepubliseer, hoofstroompersartikels met Bengaalse skrifte, BBC Radio-onderhoude om die veiligheid van die inenting vas te stel. Maak gemeenskappe bewus en verseker hulle van die mites wat oor die inhoud van die medisyne en die bestanddele daarvan versprei. 

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CPPP het hierdie projek onderneem om gesondheid en welstand van gemeenskap in die breë te verbeter.


Hardloop - Fietsry - Pluimbal- Krieketprogramme word deur CPPP bestuur.

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Inisiatief vir Gesonde Maaltyd-kooklesse is onderneem om die jeug te leer hoe om minder vet, minder koolhidrate, minder olierige kombuis te kook. Leer om van burger tot botterhoender, van rissie con carne tot hoender tikka masala op 'n gesonde manier te kook.


Interaksie met die breër gemeenskappe om kohesie en integrasie te bou. Om diverse diaspora-gemeenskappe saam te verenig om 'n beter en sterker samelewing te bou. 

Bemagtiging van die jeug 
CPPP is altyd aan die voorpunt om die jeug te help om die beste doelwitte in hul lewe te bereik. Die lewensreis begin soms met die verkryging van werk. Tog, vanaf die begin van die aanhoor van die bevindinge van die onlangse Armoedeverslag - CPPP het in die vooruitsig gestel dat daar 'n vereiste is dat 'n organisasie soos CPPP na vore behoort te kom om die jeug te help fasiliteer, om hulle voor te berei om 'n werk of werk te kry._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Die Armoedeverslag het kategories bepaal dat die JEUG van BAME-gemeenskappe nie hul curriculum vitae en ander toebehore van vereistes kan voorberei om werk te verseker nie.


Hierdie projek om die gemeenskap meer bewus te maak van gesondheidsbewussyn is tydens die eerste inperking van stapel gestuur. Ons het 'n  stap- en fietsryprogram vir die mans en jogaklasse vir die vroue gereël. 

Tydens die projek het   CPPP ook 6 000 gratis maaltye en 10 000 maskers vir die algemene publiek versprei._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1586bad_5cf

Hierdie loodsprojek het vir vyf maande voortgeduur. 

Tydens Pandemie het CPPP Gratis Etes en Maskers vir die skole in die Northampton Town-gebiede georganiseer. 

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Imran Chowdhury BEM werk vir die afgelope 12 jaar in die Verenigde Koninkryk vir gemeenskapsamehorigheid, integrasie, jeugmotivering, gemeenskapsinspirasie in gemeenskapsaangeleenthede, besighede en ander forums.


Sy passie vir motivering en inspirasie het daartoe gelei dat die Sentrum vir Beleidsbevordering en Voorkoming op die been gebring is.


Kyk asseblief na die toesprake, onderhoude, praatjies, seminare en vergaderings.


Jy kan sy ander aktiwiteite op ons YouTube-kanaal kyk.

CPPP   het 'n sokkertoernooi in Northampton op 24 Oktober 2021 geborg.

Dit was die eerste van sy soort wat ooit in die dorp plaasgevind het.

Altesaam 16 spanne van regoor die land het aan hierdie epiese geleentheid deelgeneem.

Sentrum vir Beleidsbevordering en Voorkoming het al die skilde, bekers en trofeë laat maak op maat vir die geleentheid.

Die Adjunk Lord Luitenant van Northamptonshire en die Hoë Balju het die geleentheid as die Eregas vereer.


CPPP  is organizing  Gesonde kooklesse vir die jeug. _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_Dit is om die jeug aan te moedig om hul eie gesonde maaltyd te kook in plaas van om ongesonde verwerkte maaltye te eet om vetsug en ander gesondheidsverwante kwessies te vermy. die gemeenskappe   'n enorme hoeveelheid  bewyse van hoe die onderliggende gesondheidskwessies_cc781905-91905-91905-5cde-8b die soorte van die virus en die land oor die hele land en die virus kan onderhou word. watter nadelige gevolge dit kan veroorsaak.


Skakel asseblief ons BOSLYN of  Emai l ons om jou lesse te bespreek. Dit sal plaasvind in  Northampton Town  liggings

Centre for Policy Promotion & Prevention  organised a tournament in  Northampton  recently where there were  88 teams coming van regoor die VK.


Dit was die eerste an  etniese minderhede  spelers van regoor die Verenigde Koninkryk het saamgekom om die toernooi 'n baie groot sukses te maak.


Pryse is uitgedeel deur Councillor  Imran Chowdhury BEM ; die stigter van


Die toernooi het 'n groot gehoor van regoor die VK gelok.  Daar was toeskouers van Indië, Bangladesj, VK en Ierland.


 Building a Stronger Britain Together (BSBT ) is in 2016 deur die Binnelandse Sakekantoor van stapel gestuur as die hoofprogram onder die regering se nuwe strategie.

CPPP CIC het by 2017  aangesluit by hierdie program om samehorigheid en integrasie onder jeugdiges uit alle gemeenskappe te skep om Brittanje sterker te maak.

Cohesive Society is one of the vanguard institution which has been

Writing regularly in the press & media about the diaspora’s

Inherent history , culture, ethos, heritages  both in English and Bengali languages weekly.


Sosio - Ekonomies -  Demografies - Kwalitatief 

- Etnografiese studies gebaseer  Navorsingsprojekte

Ons is betrokke by meervlakkige doelgemaakte navorsingsinisiatiewe in gediversifiseerde navorsing binne die VK se BAME-demografieë.

International Collaborations

Cohesive Society is running international collaboration with Bangladesh through our Bangladesh branch office, providing support to repatriated migrant workers and running school IT projects and bursary programmes for underprivileged girls , Donating and fundraising for schools in remote areas of Bangladesh in the Islands communities  and remote rural areas.

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